Elizabeth lives in southeastern Nigeria. Her passion for educating children led her to start a private preschool and primary school in her city. Elizabeth also has a heart for peoples of the world who have no access to the good news of Jesus. She has always known that...
Nearly 40 parents and pastors gathered together in a back room, on the top floor of a factory office building. Everyone removed SIM cards from and gave up their cell phones for the duration of the training. They were sleeping on mats on the floor throughout the...
There is no bigger advocate for discipling families in Africa to embrace the Great Commission than Tariku, CMM global affiliate from Ethiopia. As the executive director of Horn of Africa Evangelical Mission Engagers, Tariku knows that to have a sustainable mission...
Approximately 42% of Nigeria’s population is younger than 14 years old. Imagine what could be done if these children were empowered to see themselves as part of God’s global story! In July, Carissa and Karen, two of our Weave staff members, conducted a...
Many things come to mind with the word surrender. Jesus and one of His most effective laborers, the apostle Paul, placed a noticeable emphasis on the surrender of both children and the family. “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them,” Jesus demands,...