Multiplying Mission Movements

Help see 50 nations send missionaries to the unreached

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A fresh biblical approach to personal support raising

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Your family has a part to play in God’s big story

The Fuel and the Flame

Ignite your life and your campus for Jesus Christ

Blog: Mobilization in action

The Sacred Act of Welcoming

The Sacred Act of Welcoming

Jesus commanded “go make disciples of all nations…”
But how can we actually live out his words? How do we model his love and compassion in our everyday lives? How do we reach those who haven’t heard of Jesus from where we live, work, and play? How do we welcome those who are so different from us? Are we even willing to try? 

The Untapped Potential

The Untapped Potential

Latin America remains on of the most untapped and and promising regions in the world for mission mobilization.

The Gift of the Unexpected

The Gift of the Unexpected

No one could have imagined all the change that would come in 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic swept across the world and brought many people’s jobs, projects and ministries to a standstill. Churches closed. Mission workers were confined to their homes. Cities were locked down. Life came to a standstill. And yet, God was using this crisis to build new momentum among believers in Pakistan.

A Small And Willing Yes

A Small And Willing Yes

Fatima and her family needed help with almost everything. Their needs were far too much for Lydia alone to shoulder. Rebekah saw why mobilizing the people in their local church was going to be important. It was critical that everyone in their church community, not just Lydia, see the unreached people God had put before them and begin welcoming them.

Global Vision Update 2020

3 billion people have no access to the gospel. This reality keeps us up at night. These unreached people will likely live their lives without ever hearing the gospel or meeting a Christian. In the words of Paul, “How are they to believe in Him of whom they have never...

Her Eyes Fixed On A Prize

Her Eyes Fixed On A Prize

Her trip to Morocco was approaching. She didn’t know what to expect in Morocco or what purpose she could even find there. She felt drained and slightly foolish for having arranged a trip there. She began to pray through her hesitation and felt the Lord say to her again, ‘Go. I will show you my will.” Despite the uncertainty in her heart, she obeyed, packed her bags and got on her flight.

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